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NY BAR考查内容及科目简介  来源:  作者:宏景教育  2014-11-06    

财会类 金融类 医药类 建造类

  A.   Common (MBE subjects): Contracts, Constitutional Law(federal), Criminal Law & Procedure, Evidence, Real Property, Torts

  B.   State-specific subjects:NY -Business Relationship(Corporation&Partnership), Domestic Relation, Wills & Estates, Trusts, Conflict of Laws, NY & Federal Civil Jurisdiction & Procedure, UCC Articles 2,3, & 9, Professional Responsibility, and Remedies

  前面四个Subjects是最常考的Essay Subjects,需要重点复习。


  - Consists of two 90-minute skills questions covering basic lawyering skills such legal reasoning, fact analysis, problem solving, etc (NY Bar uses only one 90-minute question)

  - Specific task assigned may involve writing a memorandum to a supervising attorney; a letter to a client; a persuasive memorandum or brief; a contract provision; a will; a proposal for settlement or agreement; a discovery plan; a witness examination plan; or a closing argument

  - Contains a File with facts of the case and the assignment instructions and a Library with cases, regulations, statutes, rules, etc.

  D.NY Multiple Choice Questions

  -50 multiple-choice questions (four choices)

  -Tests knowledge of the laws of NY



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