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AICPA前景:为什么会计可能是完美的职业  来源:宏景国际教育  作者:  2016-04-08    

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Why accounting just might be the perfect career

  This story is presented by our sponsor The University of North Carolina's Kenan-Flagler Master of Accounting program.
  这个内容是我们的发起人-北卡莱罗纳大学的Kenan-Flagler 会计硕士项目提供的。

  The "perfect career" can mean different things to different people.

  For those in the military, or for those transitioning to civilian life, or for veterans, a"perfect career" might mean bringing the powerful leadership skills they learned through military training to the business world. Keen insight, a strategic mindset, teamwork, attention to detail, a strong work ethic- companies are looking for these skills, skills that are born from military experience.

  For military spouses, a 'perfect career' is undoubtedly quite flexible. Whether it's geographic mobility, work-life balance, or diversity across a wide range of industries, a job with a healthy degree of independence is essential because military life can be, at times, rather unpredictable.

  On both counts, accounting scores big. First of all military leaders maker great accountants because the traits that define success in the armed forces mirror the traits that define success in the accounting profession. Secondly, there are few professions as flexible as accounting. Yes, it's a deadline-driven field but it's also one that, depending on the discipline chosen, can be done from remote locations at off-peak hours or and can be managed as a freelance operation.

  Salary,stability, and satisfaction matter, too.

  Taking on new challenges is great, but it doesn't pay the bills. Salary does. Accountants are paid well, with strong starting salaries and rapid salary progression. Even those with no experience start at over $50K and build to six figures in just five years. With some experience, the start can be higher and the progression faster.

  Accountants are also in serious demand. U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics suggest that growth in the accounting profession will top 13 percent through 2022, with most new jobs going to those with Master of Accounting degrees and CPA designations.
  对会计师的需求也很大。美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor statistics)表明,到2022年,会计行业的增长将达到13%,大多数新工作要有会计硕士学位和注册会计师称号。
  Beyond the numbers, the profession ranks high on job satisfaction, finishing second to only engineers in a recent survey and third in a U.S. News & World Report list of the 'Best Business Jobs'.

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