Why Choose AIA?

2010-05-27 15:41
关注中国教育在线 中国教育在线公众号

  Service – AIA treats all of its students and members as individuals, you will receive a personalised service that is tailored to your own specific needs – if we can help, we will.

  Flexibility – AIA allows you to study at your own pace and in your own time.

  Support – AIA will support you far beyond the examinations, we will assist you throughout your entire career.

  Opportunities – International Accountants hold key positions in all business sectors and a diverse range of organisations, making valuable contributions to the profession.

  Experience – AIA has been helping our members achieve their career goals since 1928.

  Global – AIA has a global network of branches and partners who will support you wherever you are in the world and wherever you want to go.

  Rewards – AIA recognises your hard work and commitment at every stage of the exams.


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