
2016-08-18 16:33
关注中国教育在线 中国教育在线公众号





  101. Which of the following findings would a nurse suspect when she notices a colleague taking frequent breaks, working extra shifts and having inaccurate drug counts?

  A. The colleague is a victim of domestic violence.

  B. The colleague is abusing a substance.

  C. The colleague has a personality disorder.

  D. The colleague is trying to get out of work.

  102. The parents of a six-month-old infant admitted with diarrhea are anxious and concerned. To involve the parents in the child's care, the nurse should first

  A. provide literature on diarrheal causes.

  B. allow the parents to record all diaper changes

  C. teach the parents how to adhere to standard precautions.

  D. encourage the parents to continue the child's usual diet.

  103. When teaching a caregiver in the home about flushing a child's central venous catheter, the nurse should instruct the caregiver to

  A. keep the telephone nearby to call the physician should problems occur.

  B. make certain the child has eaten before the procedure.

  C. use good hand-washing technique before and after the procedure

  D. have all siblings out of the room during the procedure.

  104. The charge nurse should assign the most experienced nurse to the patient who is

  A. depressed.

  B. violent

  C. psychotic.

  D. manic.

  105. A patient planning to become pregnant asks the prenatal nurse for dietary advice. To facilitate normal spinal cord formation In a developing fetus, the nurse should instruct the patient to include foods in her diet that contain

  A. fiber.

  B. calcium.

  C. folic acid.

  D. protein.








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