
2016-08-18 16:17
关注中国教育在线 中国教育在线公众号





  106. Before returning a child who is being treated for tuberculosis (TB) to his home. the community health nurse determines

  A. that the child has a private room.

  B. that all family members have been tested.

  C. home school placement.

  D. proper room ventilation.

  107. The patient is hospitalized for the treatment a severe preeclampsia. Which of the followin clinical manifestations would the narse consider indicative of progression of the patient's condition?

  A. Generalized edema

  B. Proteinuria

  C. Elevated blood pressure

  D. Seizure activity

  108. A nur.c planning an educational program for families of patients who have attempted suicide should include which of the following statements in his teaching?

  A. Suicidal pat!3nnts usually give out many overt clues.

  B. Suicidal patients will often completely isolate themselves immediately prior to the attempt.

  C. Suicidal patients display subtle changes in behavior.

  D. Suicidal patients do not display any changes that might indicate their despair.

  109. The nurse is assessing a patient one day postabdominal surgery. On auscultation, bowel sounds are absent. The nurse should recognize that this is indicative of

  A. ascites.

  B. an obstructed bowel.

  C. peritonitis

  D. normal postoperative status

  110. A staff nurse observes behaviors in a coworker that suggest chemical impairment. What action should the nurse take first?

  A. Ignore the behavior

  B. Refer the co-worker to Alcoholics Anonymous

  C. Report the observed behavior to the nurse manager

  D. Discuss the nurse's behavior with her coworkers


  101. Key: B

  Client Need, Psychosocial Adaptation

  B. Frequent breaks. working extra shifts and inaccurate narcotic counts may be indicators of substance abuse among nurses. The nurse may be volunteering for extra shifts in an effort to obtain drugs. Other indicators include irritability. absenteeism and deteriorating appearance.

  A. Victims of domestic violence present with vague physical complaints. insomnia and headaches.There may be evidence of violence in the form of bruises.

  C. The identified symptoms are not defining characteristics of any personality disorder.

  D. Individuals trying to get out of work usually do not sign up for extra shifts.

  102. Key: C

  Client Need: Management of Care

  C. Most Infections that cause acute diarrhea are spread by the fecal-oral route; therefore, personal hygiene is extremely important. Meticulous hand-washing, attention to perianal cleansing and proper disposal of diapers is essential. Teaching parents to adhere to standard practices will allow them to learn the proper techniques necessary to prevent the spread of infection and allow them to care for their infant without infecting themselves and others.

  A. Providing literature on the cause of diarrhea is important, but it is not the first thing the nurse should do. Parents need to exhibit a readiness to learn, and this will not happen until their anxiety is relieved.

  B. Allowing parents to participate in their infant's care is important. They can assist in recording the diaper weights after they have been instructed how to do this by the nurse. Teaching about standard precautions. however. is more important for the parents to learn first.

  D. The diet preferred for the infant with acute diarrhea is an oral rehydration fluid. such as Pedialyte.This solution will provide the necessary fluid and electrolytes needed to replace fluid loss due to diarrhea. The parents are taught how to feed this fluid in place of the child's regular diet.

  103. Key: C

  Client Need: Reduction of Risk Potential

  C. One of the major complications with the central venous catheter is infection. Hand-washing prior to accessing the device. as well as maintaining aseptic technique when accessing the device. will help to decrease the incidence of infection. Good hand-washing technique before and after the procedure is essential.

  A. The location of the phone is not a priority in this situation. A phone should be available in the home so that the physician can be called should the device become dislodged, occlude or develop a leak.

  B. The timing of the child's meals is not a consideration when planning care for the catheter or insertion site.

  D. Siblings or other visitors may be present in the room when the child is having the central venous line flushed. Only caregivers should have direct contact with the device after they wash their hands properly.

  104. Key:B

  Client Need: Management of Care

  B. Resource allocation is the responsibility of the charge nurse. Nursing management of the violent patient requires skill in de-escalation and experience in aggression management to prevent the patient from hurting self or others. Therefore, the patient with a history of violence should be assigned to the most skilled staff member.

  A. A patient who is depressed needs social interaction and assessment for suicidal ideation but can be assigned to a less experienced nurse than the violent patient.

  C. The patient who is psychotic needs structure and safety but can be assigned to a less experienced nurse than the violent patient.

  D. The patient who is manic needs decreased stimulation and increased limit -setting but can be as-signed to a less experienced nurse than the violent patient.

  105. Key:C

  Client Need: Basic Care and Comfort

  C. Folic acid should he taken prior to conception and during pregnancy to prevent the occurrence of neural tube defects (i. e. , spine bifida). The use of folic acid decreases the incidence of neural tube defects by as much as 50%.

  A. Fiber is necessary in the diet of all pregnant women to prevent constipation. The recommended dose is 25-30 mg/day. Good sources include vegetables. fruits and grains.

  B. Calcium is needed for the healthy development of teeth and bones. The recommended dose is 1000-1300 mg/day.

  D. Protein should compose 30% of the total caloric intake in a pregnant patient or approximately 60mg. Increased protein does not prevent neural tube defects.







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