
2016-08-18 16:16
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  111. A patient is receiving Total Parenteral Nuttion(TPN)secondary to acute pancreatitis. The nurse is about to administer insulin when the patient states. "Why am I getting insulin? I'm not diabetic.”Which of the following responses would be the most appropriate?

  A The infection in your pancreas is causing too much insulin to be produced.”

  B. "This type of infection stops the production of insulin.”

  C The TPN solution contains a high amount of glucose.”

  D. "The TPN solution interferes with the production of insulin.”

  112. When developing a teaching plan for a patient who is prescribed a sulfonylurea, the nurse should instruct the patient to avoid which of the following substances?

  A. Green vegetables

  B. Alcohol

  C. Beef products

  D. Caffeine

  113. Which of the following nursing diagnoses should the mental health nurse address first in a patient with major depression?

  A. Severe anxiety

  B. Risk for self-directed violence

  C. Self-care deficit

  D. Ineffective coping

  114. Which of the following laboratory values would the nurse expect to be elevated in a patient with parasitic infection who recently immigrate to the United States?

  A. White blood cell count

  B. Reticulocyte count

  C. Eosinophils count

  D. Sedimentation rate

  115. The charge nurse on a unit should be aware that which of the following patients may not legally sign an informed consent?

  A. A 55-year-old patient who is crying about the surgery she will be undergoing

  B. A 16-year-old married patient

  C. A 45-year-old patient who has been sedated

  D. An 80-year-old patient


  106. Key: B

  Client heed: Safety and Infection Control

  B. Family members who live with the child should he tested for tuberculosis (TB). TB is a communicable disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, an acid-fast bacillus. Tuberculosis is an airborne infection and is acquired by inhalation of small particles that reach the alveoli. Droplets are emitted from an infected person by coughing. taughing, sneezing or singing. Brief exposure to TB does not usually cause infection. Clients who have repeated close contact with an infected person who has nol been diagnosed are more likely to become infected. Therefore. everyone that the client has had contact with should be assessed with a tuberculin skin test.

  A. Isolating the child with TB is not necessary.

  C. Children who are being treated for TB may return to school.

  D. Proper room ventilation is important for all patients and is not specific to TB. Children should learn to cover their mouths when they cough and dispose of soiled tissues properly in waste cans.

  107. Key: D

  Client Need; Growth and Development

  D. Seizure activity signals the onset of eciampsia. Eclampsia is the gravest complication of pregnancy.Seizures may last 60-75 seconds. The treatment is magnesium sulfate.

  A. Generalized edema. especially of the hands. face and abdomen. that is not relieved by 12 hours of bed rest is not considered healthy, but it is not the sign of a progressing condition.

  B. A urine dipstick with + 2 protein should be repeated within six hours. An increasing proteinuria is not to be ignored, but is not as significant as seizure activity.

  C. Elevations in blood pressure are also worrisome. They are usually the first sign of preeclampsia and are divided into mild or severe hypertension. No blood pressure (BP) greater than 140/90 mmHg should be considered acceptable. However. the patient already has severe preeclampsia. Seizure activity would indicate further progression.

  108. Keys C

  Client Need: Prevention and Early Detection of Disease

  C. Suicidal patients give clues about their intentions. Very subtle clues may be ignored or disregarded by others. These can be verbal statements about problems being solved or behaviors. such as putting personal affairs in order.

  A. While suicidal patients may give overt clues. most convey their intentions covertly.

  B. Most suicidal patients are ambivalent about the act and may seek assistance prior to the attempt.

  D. Suicidal patients may display behaviors that convey their despair. These include confusion, irritability. complaints of exhaustion and feelings of hopelessness.

  109. Key, D

  Client Need: Reduction of Risk Potential

  D. This is a correct assessment finding for a patient one day post-abdominal surgery. Normal bowel sounds may not return for two or three days following abdominal surgery. This is related to decreased peristalsis from anesthesia. bowel manipulation and immobilization.

  A. Ascites is the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. The fluid produces abdominal distension, bulging flanks and a downward protruding umbilicus.

  B. Rushes of high-pitched bowel sounds are associated with early intestinal obstruction. This sound is called borborygmi. It is not an expected finding postoperatively,

  C. Peritonitis is the inflammation of the peritoneal cavity. It causes abdominal distension, abdominal rigidity and decreased bowel sounds. It is not a normal finding.

  110. Key: C

  Client Need: Management of Care

  C. The nurse needs to report the observed behaviors to the nurse manager. The nurse manager is accountable for maintaining the level of care on the unit. She is also the staff nurses link to administration.The prevalence of substance abuse among nurses parallels that in the general population.

  A. Professional nursing promotes accountability, responsibility and advocacy. Legally some State Boards of Nursing require nurses to report unsafe and impaired nurses to the nursing regulatory agency. The issue cannot be ignored. but the first action by the nurse is to report the behavior to the nurse manager.

  B. The staff nurse's responsibility is to report the behavior. While Alcoholic's Anonymous (AA) is an intervention used for those with alcohol abuse, it is premature at this time. Denial and rationalization are often used to justify chemical impairment.

  D. Discussing the behavior with others violates the nurse's privacy and confidentiality, and it demonstrates a lack of caring and sensitivity. Such discussion might cause defamation of the nurse's character and lead to the charge of slander.







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