
2016-08-18 16:16
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  116. Which of the following risk factors should a nurse recognize as the most reliable predictor of patient violence?

  A. Verbal threats

  B. Family history of violence

  C. Pacing behavior

  D. Past history of violence

  117. Which of the following assessments should be reported as abnormal in a newborn at eight hours of age?

  A. Acrocyanosis

  B. Caput succedaneum

  C. Epstein's pearls

  D. Yellow sclera

  118. A nurse has received an order for Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) for a patient admitted with severe malnutrition. Which of the following measures is essential before this order is initiated?

  A. A complete blood count has been obtained.

  B. A subclavian catheter is patent and a chest x-ray is done to confirm placement

  C. Arm restraints should be in place during catheter insertion.

  D. An antecubital intravenous catheter is started and a baseline chemistry profile has been done.

  119. Which of the following statements, if made by a patient who is constipated during pregnancy indicates a correct understanding of the nurse's self-care instructions?

  A. I will drink an 8-oz glass of water each day.”

  B. "I plan to increase my iron supplements to twice a day now.”

  C. "I am so happy that I can now eat four bananas a day.”

  D. "I can take a brisk walk for one mile each day.”

  120. The patient with depression tells the nurse that life just doesn't seem to be worth一iving and his family would be better off without him. Which of the following interventions should the nurse initially utilize?

  A. Tell the patient that these are normal feelings with depression,

  B. Ask the patient if he is feeling suicidal.

  C. Let the patient know that these feelings will pass.

  D. Ignore the statement and continue with the interview.


  111. Key: C

  Client Need: Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies

  C. TPN is used to maintain nutritional status and prevent malnutrition when the patient is unable to be fed orally or by tube feeding. Glucose is used to supply energy and caloric needs and usually accounts for 50% to 70% of the nutrient prescription.

  A. In pancreatitis. 50% of the patients have a transient hyperglycemia due to damage to the beta cells.If the pancreas were producing too much insulin, the patient would experience hypoglycemia. Giving additional insulin would not be the correct intervention.

  B. Fifty percent of patients with pancreatitis have interference with insulin release from the beta cells,which may cause hyperglycemia. Not all patients exhibit hyperglycemia.

  D. TPN does not interfere with the production of insulin. The goal of therapy is to reduce the secretion of pancreatic enzymes, which stops the inflammatory process. The use of TPN meets the patient's nutritional needs while the patient is taking nothing by mouth (NPO).

  112. Key: B

  Client Need, Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies

  B. Sutfonylurea medications are oral anti-diabetic agents used to control blood sugar in type 2 diabetes mellitus. The ingestion of alcohol when these medications are used may result in a disulfiram-like(Antabase-like) reaction (abdominal cramps, nausea, flushing, headaches and hyperglycemia).

  A. Dietary management is an essential part of diabetes management. Dietary guidelines suggest a daily intake of three to five servings of fruits and vegetables, including green vegetables.

  C. Diabetics have the same protein requirements as non-diabetic individuals. Approximately 10-20% of total daily calories should be from protein.

  D. Caffeine is not contraindicated with sulfonylurea medications.

  113. Key: B

  Client Need: Management of Care

  B. During the initial assessment, the highest priority is to identify the presence of suicidal risk. Patients with major depression often experience persistent thoughts of death or suicide; therefore, potential for self-harm is a priority concern and protecting the patient from self-directed violence is the most important nursing action.

  A. Anxiety is a common symptom of depression and can range from mild to severe. Tension-relieving activities such as pacing,nail biting and finger tapping convey psychomotor agitation or severe anxiety in the patient with a major depression. Treating anxiety is important but not the most important priority on admission.

  C. Grooming and hygiene are usually neglected by the depressed patient and may necessitate nursing action. Promoting self-activities is important but is not a priority initially.

  D. Teaching adaptive coping methods is a nursing action that is implemented during the course of treatment but cannot be initiated until the patient's readiness to learn has been determined.

  114. Key:C

  Client Need, Reduction of Risk Potential

  C. Eosinophils are a type of white blood cell that is involved in allergic reactions. They do not respond to bacterial and viral infections. Parasitic infections can stimulate the production of these cells.

  A. This test would not be specific for a parasitic infection. An increase in the total white blood count(WBC) count is usually seen in infection. inflammation. tissue necrosis or leukemic neoplasm.

  B. An increase in the reticulocyte count is an indication of the bone marrow's ability to respond to anemia.

  D. The sedimentation rate is a non-specific test used to detect inflammation associated with acute and chronic infection. inflammation, advanced neoplasm, tissue necrosis and infarction.

  115. Key: C

  Client Need: Management of Care

  C. This patient may not sign his consent at this lime. Adults may sign their own operative permits unless they are unconscious or mentally incompetent. The consent must be signed before the patient receives any medication that may alter consciousness.

  A. Crying behavior does not make the patient unconscious or mentally incompetent. The patient may sign the consent. The nurse. however. should explore the patient's feelings and offer emotional support.

  B. Emancipated minors may legally sign their own consent forms. Emancipated minors are considered to be under the legal age (18) of emancipation but, because of marriage or other circumstances, are independent of parents.

  D. An 80-year-old may sign a consent form. The age of 80 does not make a person incompetent.







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