
2016-08-18 16:15
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  121. When assessing a patient for posture and stature. the nurse recognizes that the patient is lying still and complaining of pain. Slight jarring of the bed causes agonizing pain. Th nurse assesses that the origin of the pain may be

  A. renal

  B. biliary.

  C. peritoneal.

  D. meningeal.

  122. Which of the following strategies would the nurse manager include in a plan to assist an impaired colleague?

  A. Appoint a team to confront the colleague

  B. Initiate termination of the colleague

  C. Promote professional isolation

  D. Provide covert support of the substance abusing behavior

  123. A 35-week antepartal patient was involved in a two-car motor vehicle crash. The nurse should assess this patient for which of the follow complications that would most likely cause both maternal and fetal mortality?

  A. Placenta previa

  B. Premature labor

  C. Spontaneous abortion

  D. Uterine rupture

  124. The night nurse admits a six-month-old with acute laryngotracheobronchitis,(LTB).The nurse should observe the child for which of the following physical findings?

  A. Drooling. dysphagia, high fever

  B. Hoarseness, stridor, low-grade fever

  C. Restlessness, absent breath sounds, high fever

  D. Low-grade fever, purulent nasal discharge,clear breath sounds

  125. A nurse is part of a multi-disciplinary team discussing an elderly patient's plan of care. The nurse recognizes that her role on the team is to

  A. serve as the group facilitator.

  B. identify team members who don't understand the nursing role.

  C. assure that her recommendations are adopted in the plan of care.

  D. work with other team members to achieve a mutually agreed upon


  116. Key:D

  Client Need:Coping and Adaptation

  D. A past history of violence is the most reliable predictor of patient violence in the assessment of risk factors. Individuals who have used violence in the past as a method to cope with stress are more likely to resort to the use of aggressive behavior in the future.

  A. Verbal threats convey ineffective coping and the patient's attempt to deal with anxiety through the use of aggressive behavior. Because aggressive behavior does not always follow a verbal threat, it is not the single most reliable predictor of violence.

  B. A history of family violence is identified as one of several predisposing factors for patient violence.Edividuals who have witnessed the use of violence in their family are more prone to use violence because of learned behavior. However. a past history of violence by the patient is the best indicator of future violence.

  C. Pacing is one of several predictive behaviors that convey the pre-assaultive tension state. Pacing that is accompanied by verbal threats, increased voice tone and clenched fists is more indicative of impending violence than when it occurs alone. However. a past history of violence is a more reliable indicator of future violence.

  117. Key: D

  Client Need: Growth and Development

  D. Yellow sclera is associated with hyperbilirubinemia. Jaundice. if seen in the first 24 hours of life, is considered pathologic. Other areas where jaundice may be obvious are the skin and the mucous membranes. If left untreated, pathologic jaundice may lead to a condition known as kernicterus, which results in severe brain damage. Treatment initially would be phototherapy.

  A. Acrocyanosis is a normal finding in the first day of life. It is the cyanotic coloring of the hands and feet due to vasomotor instability.

  B. Caput succedaneum is generalized edema of the scalp. usually found in the occipital region. It crosses the suture lines and is associated with prolonged pushing during labor or with vacuumassisted deliveries.

  C. Epstein's pearls are occlusion cysts on the gums of a newborn. They are considered a normal finding.

  118. Key: B

  Client Need: Management of Care

  B. TPN is indicated to maintain nutritional needs and prevent malnutrition in patients who cannot be fed orally or by tube feedings. TPN solutions are highly concentrated mixtures. TPN administration requires central vascular access into a high flow vein. Before the initiation of the TPN solution. The placement of the catheter tip must be confirmed by a chest x-ray.

  A. Metabolic profile blood work, including blood chemistry and electrolytes. is needed for this patient.

  C. It is not necessary to restrain a patient for subclavian catheter insertion. Should the patient become agitated, the nurse may hold the patient's arms. Restraint will only further agitate the patient.

  D. This is not the correct type of venous access. TPN cannot be infused through a peripheral line because of the concentrated dextrose solutions that are used. Baseline metabolic profiles should be done.

  119. Key: D

  Client Need; Growth and Development

  D. Constipation is a normal complaint in the gravid patient. The decrease in gastric motility and the use of iron supplements contribute to the problem. The patient should increase roughage in her diet and increase her exercise.

  A. One 8-oz glass of water is not sufficient. Six glasses of water per day are recommended.

  B. Iron supplements may be constipating and should not be increased above the recommended dose of 30 mg per day.

  C. While the patient should increase consumption of fruits and vegetables that arc good sources of fiber. four bananas a day may be excessive. Bananas are higher in calories than most other fruits and vegetables and could contribute to excess weight gain in the pregnant woman.

  120. Key:B

  Client Need, Psychosocial Adaptation

  B. The patient's statement is a verbal clue suggesting the presence or suicidal thoughts and feelings. The nurse should always make overt what is covertly expressed. It is extremely important to assess for the presence of suicidal thoughts and a suicidal plan by asking specific questions.

  A. Although thoughts of suicide and death frequently occur in patients with major depression. They should not be considered normal. This nursing response is inappropriate and conveys a lack of concern for the patient's feelings of despair and hopelessness.

  C. Telling the patient that these feelings will pass is non-therapeutic because the nurse is communicating false reassurance. Thoughts of suicide may disappear eventually with appropriate treatment or may result in a successful suicide attempt.

  D. Ignoring the patient's statements is non-therapeutic and conveys a lack of empathy. Verbal and behavioral clues of suicide must be explored to assess for suicidal risk and the potential for self-directed violence.







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