
2016-08-18 16:15
关注中国教育在线 中国教育在线公众号




  131. A patient is prescribed chlorpropamide(Diabinese). The nurse should notify the physiian if the patient reports being allergic to

  A. aspirin.

  B. penicillin.

  C. iodine.

  D. sulfur.

  132. Under the Good Samaritan Act,a nurse may be held liable for patient abandonment at the scene of an emergency in which of the followin cases?

  A. The nurse does not stop to provide assistance.

  B. The nurse begins assistance and then abruptly stops.

  C. The nurse does not initiate care.

  D. The nurse does not perform under the direct order of a physician.

  133. A patient who has cirrhosis of the liver has been treated for hepatic encephalopathy. In preparing the patient for discharge, the nurse discusses dietary protein restrictions. Which of these menu choices, if selected by the patient. would indicate an understanding of foods that are low in protein?

  A. Fruit and cheese platter

  B. Tuna fish and tomato sandwich

  C. Vegetable soup and tossed gmen salad

  D. Meat loaf with rice

  134. During a family therapy session. the nurse notes that the wife is sitting with her arms and legs crossed and her body turned away from her husband. This nonverbal behaviour is an example of

  A. incongruence.

  B. distancing

  C. blocking.

  D. cultural posturing.

  135. A nurse is approached by a patient who is experiencing persecutory delusions and requests assistance to escape from the psychiatric unit.Which of the following nursing actions would be most appropriate?

  A. Logically explain the nature of delusions to the patient

  B. Encourage the patient to verbalize the delusions

  C. Attempt to learn the meaning of the delusion to the patient

  D. Point out the false beliefs present in the patient's delusion


  126. Key: C

  Client Need: Growth and Development

  C. The age at which children achieve urinary continence varies widely. Control of anal and urethral sphincters is gradually achieved with complete myelination of the spinal cord. The physiological ability to control the sphincters probably occurs between ages 18 and 24 months. By 18 months many children are able to retain urine for up to two hours. It would he detrimental to withhold fluids and risk the child's not receiving their maintenance fluid amounts.

  A. This is an appropriate parental response. Time-out, a non-physical disciplinary approach, removes the reinforcing attention the child receives few misbehavior and places the child in an unstimulating and isolated pace. Current recommendations include one minute of time-out for every year of age(for example. three years old - three minutes of time-out).

  B. School-aged children strive developmentally to be productive in their work, and to keep up with peers. It is to become discouraged and frustrated with failures. The teacher may need to vary or adjust teaching style to the learning needs of the child. Reteaching, or other opportunities for success.will enhance the 10-year-old's self-esteem and possibly provide the motivation to continue the studies.

  D. Although the majority of children have mastered the thumb-finger grasp and the ability to pull to a standing position by approximately 10 months of age, only about 50% of children possess the gross motor ability to stoop and recover an object at one year of age.

  127. Key: C

  Client Need: Psychosocial Adaptation

  C. A patient suffering from alcohol withdrawal will begin to experience symptoms within 12 to 48 hours after his/her last drink. Some of the signs and symptoms of alcohol withdrawal are restlessness,tremors, diaphoresis. increased pulse. blood pressure and respirations fever and hyperreflexia(which could cause leg cramping).

  A. A systemic infection would not typically include nighttime leg cramps.

  B. Gastrointestinal hypermotility would probably include abdominal cramping and diarrhea. not leg cramping.

  D.A neurologic dysfunction known as restless legs syndrome (RLS) is manifested by pain and tingling in the legs. You would not expect this disorder to be accompanied by the other symptoms mentioned.

  128. Key: C

  Client Need, Prevention and Early Detection of Disease

  C. Cranial nerves III, IV and VI, deal with movement of the eye. The abducens functions specifically as a motor nerve ennervating the lateral rectus muscle of the eye. A right lateral deviation would indicate damage to this nerve.

  A. Cranial nerve 11. the optic nerve. is a sensory nerve responsible for vision.

  B. The ophthalmic branch of cranial nerve V. the trigeminal nerve. provides sensation only to the forehead. eye and superior nasal cavity.

  D. The cranial nerve VII is the facial nerve, which ennervates the muscles of expression and the cheek muscles.

  129. Key: C

  Client Need: Growth and Development

  C. The MMR vaccine is most likely responsible for the child's symptoms. The measles component of the vaccine can cause anorexia, fever, malaise. and rash seven to 10 days after immunization.

  A. Common reactions to the DTP vaccine include fever and soreness, redness and swelling at the injection site.

  B. The OPV vaccine does not produce a rash on the trunk and extremities. Vaccine-associated paralysis is a rare side effect that occurs within two months of immunization.

  D. A local reaction at the injection site and a low-grade fever are the only reactions found to the Hib vaccine.

  130. Key:D

  Client Need, Physiological Adaptation

  D. Flushing a burn with tap water is the acceptable first aid for a small, minor burn. If done within one minute. the tap water will minimize the depth of injury. After the burn has been cooled. it is acceptable to apply a small amount of antibiotic ointment and a light dressing to keep the area clean.

  A. Gauze may stick to the wound and cause further pain when removed.

  B. Ice is never applied directly to a burn. It could cause further tissue damage by freezing the area.

  C. Applying petroleum jelly to a burn will not permit interruption of the burning and may lead to deeper tissue injury.





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