
2016-08-18 16:15
关注中国教育在线 中国教育在线公众号





  146. Which of the following questions by the nurse would be most appropriate in responding to a patient's request for pain medication two hours before the next dose is due?

  A. "Have you been dependent on drugs in the past?"

  B. "Are you able to think about something else besides your pain?"

  C. "On the pain rating scale of one to 10. what level of pain are you experiencing?"

  D. "Can you wait two more hours until the next dose of medication is due?"

  147. Which of the following psychiatric disturbances,most common among the elderly?

  A. Depression

  B. Anxiety

  C. Bipolar disorders

  D. Personality disorders

  148. A patient in the emergency department has multiple fractured ribs and a right-sided tension pneumothorax. The nurse would expect to prepare the patient for which of the following procedures?

  A. Electrocardiogram

  B. Urinary catheter placement

  C. Chest tube insertion

  D. Gastric lavage

  149. A patient experiences difficulty falling asleep.Which of the following drinks should the nurse offer to the patient at bedtime?

  A. A cup of coffee

  B. A glass of wine

  C. A glass of milk

  D. A can of soda

  150. The physician writes a“DNR”order on a patient's chart. The nurse should understand that DNR stands for

  A. dopamine and nitroglycerin recombination.

  B. diagnostic neurological radiation.

  C. do not resuscitate.

  D. dependent nitrogen re-uptake.


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