0-CMA contents

2014-10-23 14:05
关注中国教育在线 中国教育在线公众号

  CMA Learning SystemTM

  Part 1: Financial Planning, Performance and Control


  Candidate Study Information

  How to Use the CMA Learning SystemTM

  Create a Study Plan

  Part 1 Introduction

  Section A: Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting

  Topic 1: Budgeting Concepts

  Topic 2: Forecasting Techniques

  Topic 3: Budgeting Methodologies

  Topic 4: Annual Profit Plan and Supporting Schedules

  Topic 5: Top-level Planning and Analysis

  Practice Questions: Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting

  Section B: Performance Management

  Topic 1: Cost and Variance Measures

  Topic 2: Responsibility Centers and Reporting Segments

  Topic 3 Performance Measures

  Practice Questions: Performance Management


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