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申请美国住院医,如何写好个人陈述?(附成功模板)  来源:宏景国际教育  作者:  2018-02-07    

财会类 金融类 医药类 建造类

  通过美国医生USMLE考试,接下来的一步就是申请美国住院医培训。申请美国住院医培训类似于求职,你需要挑选医院、准备简历、求职信等等。而在求职信中,最重要的部分之一就是Personal Statement (个人陈述)。



  写个人陈述的目是让雇主知道:1、你为什么选择这个职业。2、你在能力、兴趣、技能和个性,哪些方面与这个专业相匹配。3、你还必须证明你是一名成熟的专业人士,你为何需要这份培训机会。对于医院而言,他们想寻找的是一个有价值、信仰和态度都与他们相近的学员。他们心中的主要问题是“这个申请人是否适合我们的团队?”、“我在未来的3 - 7年可否与这个人一起工作?”。当然,幽默、聪慧、富有爱心、工作勤奋等个人特质,也是很受欢迎的。



  ▲ 你的个性、价值观以及你选择医学专业的原因;

  ▲ 将您的专业选择与您生活中个人兴趣(如攀岩,烹饪,飞机等)相结合;

  ▲ 你所拥有的专业技能。可列举你的专业工作的个人成就或专业知识的个人成就(使用专业的科学,医学语言来描述或说明,以表明您的专业知识);

  ▲ 你感兴趣的其他专业领域;

  ▲ 你喜欢的病人或病人群体;

  ▲ 你的从医相关经历,你与患者的沟通、相处的体验,涉及专业相关的经验的描述、你学到的技能以及这份经历如何使你变成一名更好的医生;

  ▲ 你的居留计划与要求(描述你正在寻找什么样的居住地和/或你想在工作之后做什么样的工作。);

  ▲ 个人追求和职业目标,清楚的表达你的未来计划,不要含糊其辞。





  例子: I began medical school with Belonephobia, a fear of venipuncture. How embarrassing it was to bring up my breakfast in front of two hundred peers on my first day of medical school. My classmates and tenured professor carried me from the floor, drenched in sweat, where my parasympathetic system humiliated me beyond return. But I did return. Again… and again. After overcoming that first mortification, I grew to love anatomy and physiology, my surgery clerkships, and now cannot wait to get to the operating room in the early morning hours. Surgery is my reverie and the OR my second home.

  (由于Personal Statement 均为英文书写,利于参考或避免词不达意,不做中文翻译)



  例子:In college and medical school I got to coach 11-14 year old kids’ soccer in my local community. It was neat to see how the kids got better over time. I led them to victory several times and they blew the top off of the GCSL championship two times in a row. I’d never been able to know I would enjoy hanging out and working with teens without this early experience.




  Mr. D, the owner of several local clubs and a sardonic sense of humor, told me he was unable to remember the last time he went to the doctor; a kind of pride hiding in his voice as he said it. In between questions for his admission H&P on my first month of internal medicine, we bonded over being exiled by Hurricane Ike to San Antonio and the disruption to our lives it caused. He blamed the mold growing in his water-logged house for his new fatigue, pallor, and bleeding gums. However, his CBC and bone marrow biopsy filled with blastic cells suggested otherwise. Knowing his outlook was grim, I was nervous about taking on Mr. D as a patient. The patients I had encountered so far were fairly straightforward and were discharged within a few days, but I felt ready for the challenge.


  A little over a month later, I missed a noon conference on a call day to help admit a new patient. One of the interns from my first service later told me that the hematologists had presented Mr. D’s case. “It’s a shame you weren’t there,” he said, “He was your patient.” At that moment, the role and responsibilities of the internist became very clear to me. The next level of my professional growth was to take full responsibility for my patients and tend to all aspects of their care, answer questions, and to always respect the privilege of having their care entrusted to me. The pivotal role the internist plays in a patient’s life is one I will honor with my deepest dedication.






  Throughout my second year of medical school I found organ system physiology to be very interesting. I also enjoyed learning about the mechanisms of disease and the pharmacology used to treat those diseases. I began to think seriously about a career in Internal Medicine. In mythird year of medical school I was lucky enough to have three very interesting months on myInternal Medicine rotation that solidified my interest in that field. I found that the patients Iencountered during this period taught me a lot about the clinical, social, human and ethical aspects of medicine. On one month I worked along-side a Geriatrician who worked in 4-5 different nursing homes and assisted living centers as well as made home visits. This month taught me a great deal about chronic care as well as about the dying process in nursing homes. Ifound the work that I did that month to be very gratifying.


  During the basic sciences, organ system physiology was fascinating. Learning about the mechanisms of disease and the pharmacology used to treat those diseases were equally enthralling. From this pattern of interests, it occurred to me that themes paralleling a career internal medicine were evolving and Ibegan to consider this field seriously. Three months of internal medicine clerkships, learning from and working beside faculty and residents, completely convinced methat this specialty was the perfect match for me. The patients during this rotation taught me unforgettable lessons about the social, human, clinical, and ethical aspects of medicine and how they inexorably operate together in wellness and illness. One month of the rotation was spent alongside a tireless Geriatrician working in five different settings, as well as making home visits. That very gratifying experience was invaluable in teaching me about chronic care and the dying process in a long term treatment facility.


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