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CGA考试杭州考生须知:CGA Deadlines and Fees  来源:中国会计网  作者:  2015-06-25    

财会类 金融类 医药类 建造类
   The course enrollment deadlines for each session are scheduled on the latest date possible. This allows for enough time prior to the course start date to establish Blackboard access for students registered in CGA Online courses.

  Exam enrollment deadlines for each session are scheduled to allow the minimum required time period prior to exam week to set up examination procedures according to national standards.

  Requests for registration in courses or exams after the published deadline cannot be accepted.

  Please lea rn more about the Deadlines and Fees through the following linkes.

  Deadlines & Important Dates

  Basic Tuition Fee, Course Fees, Exam Related Fees

  Additional Course Materials, Other Miscellaneous Fees & Payment Policy

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